Farmers push in together to get a share in India’s solar energy
The farmers have jointly leased land for a huge solar park in India with the help of a…
Indian Lenders Give More Loans To Clean Energy Than Coals For 3rd Straight Year
Clean energy projects in India received 74% or ₹24,380 crore of the total funds from financial institutions last…
Center Sets Target To Replace Diesel With Renewable in Agriculture by 2024
India aims to eliminate the usage of diesel, and replace it with renewable energy. On 11 Feb 2021,…
India and Australia Sign a Letter of Intent on the Latest Renewable Energy Technology
India and Australia have signed a Letter of Intent to reduce global carbon emission and use sustainable sources…
Solar Energy: A Detailed Overview
Brief Introduction to Solar Energy and its uses Solar energy can be simply stated as the light and…
World’s slow pace at adapting with Renewable Energy?
An Insight into the use of Renewable Energy Sources When it comes to renewable energy sources, it’s getting…
A Glimpse Into The State of Renewable Energy in India.
A brief Introduction of the Indian Renewable energy Industry The renewable energy sector in India is one of…
Understanding The Concept of Renewable Energy And Its Sources.
What do we know about Renewable energy? Renewable energy as we hear in our day to day lives…