
World’s slow pace at adapting with Renewable Energy?


An Insight into the use of Renewable Energy Sources

When it comes to renewable energy sources, it’s getting more extensively known that they’re far better for the terrain in numerous ways than their non-renewable counterparts, i.e. fossil fuels. They don’t bear the same position of birth as fossils which basically means they have little to no impact on the earth when being converted into electricity.

Still, why haven’t we all made the switch to renewable energy sources?

Why don’t we use more renewable energy? Let’s find this out…

What makes us use less Renewable Sources of Energy than we actually could?

As far as individual countries are concerned, making the switch from one energy source to another will really take some time as new power-shops, players and infrastructure are introduced. Switching to renewable energy sources doesn’t mean that a group of individuals will choose a new way to power their homes. What it really means is that entire companies need to rethink and re-evaluate how they make plutocrats, influencers and where they source their energy from. It would take millions of homes, businesses, public structures, and transport centers to acclimate how they’re run and this can’t be done overnight.

Presently, renewable energy sources only account for around 14% of the world’s energy requirements. This is mainly due to the fact that technology has taken time to evolve in order to produce larger volumes of clean energy.

Why don’t we make better use of what we already have at our disposal?

Solar power may be healthier for the earth, but that doesn’t mean it’s entirely dependable. It is because the solar panels we have placed can only induce electricity when it’s a clear sunny day.

In order for a home or business to operate entirely on solar power, the possessors would need to be installed in a sunny area and use batteries to store redundant energy for cloudy and stormy days. While technology is advancing at a very fast pace and some scientists are having success with panels that can induce energy indeed on heavy days, this obviously isn’t sustainable enough yet to fuel a nation.

Installing solar panels on our homes – and anywhere additional – is also an expensive exercise, and so while we will probably see further new structures go up with solar panels on their roofs, it will take a while to contribute significantly to the power grids. Companies such as Inspire, Suzlon, Tata Power Solar Systems etc. These big organizations are pledging to create a world powered by renewable energy and making the switch as organic as possible.

Ecological system solar energy in the city on the hand holding the tablet

Where is all this Renewable Energy derived from?

Renewable energy sources are generally deduced from natural coffers that won’t deplete over time. They offer a further sustainable option, but are newer and generally more precious to install than fossil fuels similar to coal, natural gas, and crude oil.

Renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and tidal energy come from the wind, the sun, and the ocean, independently. Other less-green renewable sources are also used, similar to biomass energy. This is made by tilling by products and natural accoutrements that we throw down. While burning these still creates dangerous feasts, sourcing them is easy and there will always be more of it.

How can the World make an easy Transition towards Renewable Energy?

Local governments can greatly bring down their carbon footprint by purchasing or directly producing electricity from clean and renewable sources.

A few options for using renewable energy include the following:

  • Generating renewable energy using a system or device at a position where a lot of power is used e.g., PV panels on a state structure, geothermal heat pumps, biomass-fueled concerted heat and power.
  • Purchasing green power through renewable energy instruments (RECs) also known as green markers, green energy instruments, or tradable renewable instruments that represent the technology and environmental attributes of electricity generated from renewable coffers.
  • Buying renewable energy through a green pricing or green marketing programs, where buyers pay a small amount in exchange for electricity generated locally from green power resources.

Local communities and powerful governments can also usher their leads by generating energy onsite, purchasing green power or purchasing renewable energy. Using a combination of these renewable energy options local governments can meet their goals especially in some regions where availability and standard of renewable resources vary.  

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