
Wind Turbines – An Effective Source Of Energy.


Wind turbines have played a powerful role among non renewable energy in providing electricity. Wind power is a form of renewable energy where the kinetic energy of the wind is converted into mechanical and electrical energy with the help of turbines and generators, which is then used to power.

Where Do We Stand Today?

Earlier windmills were known to be used to grind grains and pump water. Nowadays, commercial wind turbines are set up which use the rotational energy to power electric generators.

The largest turbines have the ability to produce 4.8–9.5 megawatts of power, making them extremely energy efficient and powerful. The usage of wind turbines is increasing worldwide, which is hugely due to the falling costs of procuring one. From 7.5 gigawatts in 1997 to 564 gigawatts in 2018, there has been a steadfast increase. By 2016, wind power contributed 4% to the world’s entire electricity. Such wind turbines can be set up in many windy parts of the world, but remote areas are sometimes the best locations to generate maximum power.

The Indian Wind Energy Association in India ranks 4th in the world, and has 39+ GW of installed capacity with 300+ GW of estimated potential.



As of 2018, the largest wind farm in the world was Jiuquan Wind Power Base in China’s Gansu Province with more than 7,000 wind turbines. This wind farm alone produces more than 7,000 megawatts of power.

The amount of power that can be generated from a wind turbine varies, depending on the size of the turbine and the length of the blades on it. The output of the turbine is directly proportional to the dimensions of the rotor and to the cube of wind speed. Therefore, when wind speed doubles, the power potential of the turbine increases by 1/8th.


Advantages And Disadvantages of Wind Energy

One of the advantages of using wind energy is that it is cost effective. Along with being a nonrenewable source, the energy provided is also clean in nature. It doesn’t pollute the skies or any surrounding environment. Wind turbines do not release any sort of atmospheric emissions.

Another point which makes setting wind turbines efficient is that they can be put up on existing farms or ranches. It is beneficial for the economy as well since farmers can continue to use their land, because windmills only take up a fraction of the land.

Amid all its advantages, wind energy isn’t without it’s own bag of cons. Ideal locations for the wind turbines are mostly in remote areas, which are far from cities where the electricity is needed the most. Therefore, transmission lines have to be built to transfer the converted electricity.

They are also extremely noisy, making it tough to live around. Moreover, it has also proved to be dangerous for birds in the same region, since many instances of birds flying into the spinning metal blades have been observed.

Regardless, wind energy has proven to be one of the most reliable sources of energy, and its usage is only on the rise.

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