What do we know about Renewable energy?
Renewable energy as we hear in our day to day lives is energy derived from natural inborn processes that are refilled at a rate that is equal to or faster than the rate at which they are absorbed. There are numerous forms of renewable energy which are derived directly or indirectly from the sun. They include energy that is generated from solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, solid biomass, etc.
A long range of energy producing techniques, technologies and equipment have been developed so far to take the edge over these natural resources. Therefore, we understand that usable energy can be procured in the form of electricity, thermal energy for water conditioning, space and harvesting etc. Although only biomass remains a renewable resource but only if its rate of utilization does not exceed its rate of it’s regeneration.
As of today, Canada is the world leader in the production and use of energy made from renewable resources. Renewable energy resources currently provide 18.9 % of it’s total primary energy supplies.
What really is a renewable energy source?
A renewable energy or renewable source means that the energy that is sustainable. Something that is endless, like the energy of the sun. But, when we hear the term ‘alternative energy’ it is usually referred to as a renewable energy source too which means sources of energy that are substitutes to the most easily used non-sustainable sources like crude oil, palm oil etc.
Some examples of commonly known renewable sources are as follows:

- Solar energy
- Wind energy
- Hydro energy
- Tidal energy
- Geothermal energy
- Biomass energy
Why are Renewable energy sources so important in today’s world?
Electricity generation has been the leading worldwide cause of industrial air pollution. Most of the electricity we use comes from coal, nuclear and other non-renewable sources used in power plants. Producing energy we use today from these non-renewable resources has taken a severe toll on the environment.
Renewable energy sources can actually be used to produce electricity with lesser adverse environmental impact all around. It is possible to make electricity from renewable energy sources without producing excessive carbon dioxide which is the main cause of climate change.

The benefits of Renewable energy for humans and the planet
All energy sources which humans have used have had a significant impact on our environment. Renewable energy is not an exception. However, the dominance over the devastating impacts of fossil fuels are indisputable: from the reduction of land use, and less air or water pollution, wildlife reduction and habitat losses, to no or lower greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. Here are some key benefits that renewable energy offers the world:
- Renewable energy emits no or low greenhouse gases. That’s good for the climate. Most sources of renewable energy have resulted in little emissions, even when considering the full life cycle of these technologies.
- Renewable energy emits very low air pollutants in the atmosphere. That’s better for our overall health.
- Renewable energy comes with low costs. That’s good for keeping energy prices at affordable levels since renewable energy is produced locally and organically, it is less affected by geopolitics.
- Renewable energy creates more jobs. That is always good for the local communities.
- Renewable energy is accessible to all people around which is good for the development of a community. In many parts of the globe, renewables are represented directly as the lowest-cost source of new power generation technology, and costs continue to decrease thereafter.
- Renewable energy is the most secure kind of energy humans have ever produced which again is good for stability. Security of supply is a major concern in these markets worldwide, from the European Union, USA to the Middle-East and even India.
- Renewable energy is truly democratic. That’s good for acceptance of the people and also for them. In recent years, the number of energy projects using these sources have surged in various parts of the world. This trend confirms that democracy as a geo-political ideology is the most important driver for the change to renewable energy sources.